What is Youth Vaccine? How is It Applied?

Youth vaccine, also known as H-100 vaccine, is a very high amount of Hyaluronic acid, which has been applied by physicians for anti-aging purposes for many years in Europe, America and many areas against aging conditions (loss of elasticity, moisture loss, more lifeless appearance and sagging) in our skin. It is among the effective products that contain acid, mannitol, vitamin, mineral, amino-acid and activation-enhancing additional ingredients. It contains a large amount of 5% mannitol. Mannitol is one of the most powerful antioxidants.

Youth vaccine is one of the medical treatments that has been applied due to the improvement of some wrinkled and lifeless appearances in people over time. “Hyaluronic Acid”, which is very common in baby skin, creates brightness, vitality and flexibility in the skin. Apart from being a collagen building block that loses its effect with aging, it helps the skin to be more moist and bright if given by injection. Apart from this, it also prepares the environment to produce new collagen. Thus, your skin will look healthier and tighter. It is named as youth vaccine because of the feeling of recycling and renewal that occurs on the skin after the treatment.

What are the Uses of Youth Vaccine?

If we look at the youth vaccine usage areas;

  • Face,
  • Neck,
  • Décolleté area,
  • Hand.

How Many Sessions are Required for Youth Vaccination?

Only one session is sufficient for the youth vaccine. The regenerating and moisturizing effects with the ingredients of hyaluronic acid and mannitol will satisfy for a fairly sufficient time.

When Does the Youth Vaccine Work and How Long Does It Last?

For individuals between the ages of 30 and 35, a total of two sessions with an interval of 2 weeks will help due to the low rate of deformation in the skin. You can reach effective results approximately three months after the application. If you want the renewal period to be longer, you can repeat your sessions 2-3 times a year. In the future, a month passes after the first two sessions, and then IAL System ACP can be applied to reduce wrinkles in order to increase the permanence of hyaluronic acid.

What are the Benefits of the Youth Vaccine?

If we look at the benefits of youth vaccine;

  • It helps to open the wrinkles on the face, neck and hands.
  • It accelerates cell renewal areas in the skin.
  • With the Hyaluronic Acid substance, the life of the skin is extended and the continuity of the activation is ensured.
  • It plays an active role in skin tightening.
  • It increases hydration by keeping water in the skin and repairs tissues.
  • It supports the muscle tissue under the skin and corrects the reduction of sagging.

What are the Application Purposes of the Youth Vaccine?

If we look at the aims of youth vaccination;

  • Increasing the moisture capacity by allowing the skin to absorb water
  • Tighten the skin
  • Opening wrinkles on the face and hands

Youth vaccine is a treatment method aimed at increasing the collagen, which is among the basic building blocks of the skin. Collagens are the main protein fibers responsible for elasticity in the skin. In the form of collagen in human skin, 80% collagen is ti I, 20% collagen is tube II. Along with collagen forms, the required flexibility and smoothness are provided in the skin. However, after the age of 25, the level of collagen in the skin decreases approximately every year and problems such as wrinkles occur.

If you apply the collagen vaccine, the production is stimulated by the fibroblasts in the collagen substance. The substances used do not contain any side effects and are safe. The results are felt quickly. Collagen vaccines can be applied in one or more sessions depending on skin conditions. Collagen vaccine is a formation that stimulates the skin and provides elasticity and shine. It is an effective form of application that emerged and started in a very short time in our day.

What is the Formula of Youth Vaccine?

If we look at what substances are in the youth vaccine and what its formula is;

100mg Hyaluronic Acid

It helps to retain water in the skin and repair it in tissues and increases elasticity.


It structures the skin and plays an active role in delaying the aging process.

Amino Acids

We can say that the youth vaccine is a cocktail that serves to rejuvenate an individual. With the Hyaluronic Acid ingredient in it, it helps to moisturize by prolonging the life of the tissue. Apart from this, this cocktail contains vitamins and peptides necessary for the skin.

5% Mannitol

It is one of the most powerful antioxidants known. It helps in the moisture capacity and quickly opens the wrinkles and prolongs the life of the hyaluronic acid material.

Pro Collagen Peptide

It is the substance that is the big factor for collagen. It plays an active role in the opening of wrinkles and the natural filling and compression of the skin.


It is another growth factor. Opens lines on the face.


Kas kasılmasına engel olur ve kırışıkların açılmasını sağlar.


The muscle tissue under the skin is supported and helps in tightening and reducing sagging. It also has anti-oxidant effects.

Organic Silica

It helps to improve skin tone by increasing collagen and elastic fibers.

Vitamins B1 and B6 are an effective substance as an antioxidant. It is very effective in delaying aging.

For youth vaccination and all other applications that have the same function today, it is absolutely necessary to apply to experienced doctors in the field. Otherwise, permanent skin damage may occur. However, in order to protect the youthfulness of the skin structure, by supporting the youth vaccine application; It is recommended to pay attention to the diet, not to interrupt routine skin care applications and to consume plenty of water at the same time.

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