Treatment of Skin Cracks

Skin stretch marks are atrophic scars that occur on the skin during adolescence or pregnancy.

In fact, these are tears formed by the separation of collagen fibers in the subcutaneous tissues. Its appearance on the skin is manifested by the deterioration of skin integrity in the form of irregularities. The treatment of recently formed red or pink cracks is very successful and almost all of them heal.

Skin cracks occur as a result of thinning, weakening and tearing of the skin. The first cracks on the body surface appear in red-purple colors, and their colors lighten and turn white over time. The name of the cracks that occur in red-purple color is called 'Stria Rubra'. Cracks that turn white over time are called 'Stria Alba'.

What Causes Skin Cracks?

The outermost surface of the skin is called the 'epidermis', the middle part is called the 'dermis', and the inner side is called the 'hypodermis'. The dermis, the middle part of the skin, contains elastin and collagen fibers. This structure affects the healthy appearance of the skin. Weakening or breaking of the inter-fiber bonds in the dermis causes visible deformation of the skin. This deformation is also known as body crack.

The main causes of cracked skin are:

  • The most common cause of stretch marks on the body is pregnancy. Weight gain and edema during pregnancy cause the skin to stretch and crack.
  • Excess weight gain and loss and movements such as bodybuilding, which lead to rapid increase in muscle mass, cause skin cracks. The likelihood of body cracking increases by 40% in people with obesity.
  • The development of muscle structure during adolescence and constant weight gain and loss cause skin cracks.
  • Hormonal changes in the body also cause skin cracks.
  • Some drugs used cause skin cracks. Especially the use of cortisone causes elastin and collagen destruction.
  • Body cracks can sometimes occur for no reason. Mostly, skin cracks are seen on the breast, abdomen, back, hips, legs and inner parts of the upper arm.

How is Body (Skin) Crack Treatment Treated?

Treatment of cracks in the body can be done with cream, mesotherapy and dermarol methods, as well as laser crack treatment. In the laser method, which is mostly applied in the treatment of cracks in the arms, legs, armpits, hips, waist, belly and breasts, the feeling of pain and pain is very low.

During the laser method used in the treatment of skin cracks, cold air is applied to the skin of the person with the device. In this method, the feeling of pain and pain is very low, but local anesthesia can be applied for people with a low pain threshold. The most effective method in laser treatment for skin cracks is 'Fractional Laser Crack Treatment'.

In fractional laser crack treatment, body tightening is achieved in a shorter time. With the effect of heat, collagen shortens and fibers with elastic properties increase. This treatment method leads to rapid regeneration of the skin and reduces the appearance of cracks. The working time of the fractional laser crack treatment differs according to the amount of cracks in the body, the area to be applied and the skin type of the person. Usually 3-4 sessions are enough to reduce the appearance of cracks. After the laser treatment of cracks, it should be protected from sunlight and the creams specified by the doctor should be used.

Mesotherapy crack treatment has been used for a long time in the treatment of cracks. In this treatment method, minerals, vitamins and hyaluronic acid applied to the subcutaneous tissues with micro needles provide restructuring in all skin layers. With the strengthening of the elastic bonds that have lost their flexibility, the cracked tissue is renewed and the collapsed places are filled with new tissue and the color difference is equalized.

Dermaroller used in dermatherapy treatment, hundreds of micro-needles on the device pass over the cracks and many channels are formed on the skin. In order for this treatment to be effective, stem cell extracts are applied to the skin. Thus, collagen tissue is renewed and cracks are largely eliminated.

Creams containing vitamin C and increasing collagen production are used in the treatment of skin cracks. The creams used often give more effective results if used with other treatment methods.

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