Treatment of Bruises Under the Eyes

Bruises under the eyes occur with the increase of pigments that give the skin its color over time and genetic factors. Sometimes it is also caused by the density of the appearance of capillaries at the bottom.

The cause of a bruise under the eyes is a pigmentation disorder. The fact that the eyelid skin is too thin is the cause of this disorder. There are many types of bruise treatment under the eyes. Products such as creams, tonics, caring lotions, which are sold for bruising under the eyes, usually do not act.

What Causes Bruises Under the Eyes?

The lower eyelid is one of the thinnest and most delicate tissues in the body. The vascular network is large. In cases where the blood in the veins in the lower eyelid cannot circulate sufficiently, the blood accumulates in these veins and a dark image appears. Bruising may also occur due to pigmentation problems under the eyes.

Bruises under the eyes develop due to genetic and environmental factors. Excessive salt consumption, fatigue, stress, insomnia, iron Deciency anemia, liver and kidney diseases are among other causes. The causes of a bruise under the eyes are briefly as follows:

  • Bone structure under the eye
  • Harmful effects of the sun's rays
  • Irregular nutrition
  • Insomnia
  • Ageing
  • Allergic disorders
  • Consumption of alcohol and cigarettes

How Is the Treatment of Bruising Under the Eyes?

First of all, the treatment of bruises under the eyes should be performed by a specialist and experienced doctor in his field. Since the eye is a very sensitive area due to its structure, care should be taken not to have this treatment performed by people other than the doctor.

  • Chemical peeling is applied to reduce pigmentation.
  • Laser treatment is preferred to regenerate and tighten the skin.
  • Medical tattoo application is performed by injecting pigment into the thinned skin area under the eyes.
  • Tissue filler injection is performed to hide the blood vessels that cause discoloration of the skin under the eyes.
  • With surgery, a fat or synthetic implant is placed under the eye.

Methods of Treatment of Bruises Under the Eyes
Treatment of Bruising Under the Eyes with a Laser

2 Types of laser therapy are used in the treatment of bruises under the eyes. One of them is fractional laser therapy. With this laser treatment, the color of bruises under the eyes is lightened, the subcutaneous connective tissue is enriched. Thus, the skin thickens and bruises become less obvious. In fractional laser treatment, a little burning may be felt, but the burning sensation goes away in a short time. After laser treatment, the patient has a period of redness and flaking for 3-4 days. This treatment method is completed in 3 sessions with an interval of 1 month Dec. After laser treatment, an exfoliation is performed for 1 session under and above the eyes.

The other laser treatment is the Resurfacing treatment performed with an Erbium laser. In this treatment, the eyelids are anesthetized with local anesthesia. After 4-5 days after treatment, there is redness and edema of the eyelids. The color of the eyelid changes from pink to normal skin color after 1 week. after 1 month, the skin color gets its normal color. 1 Session will be enough for this treatment.

Treatment of Bruising Under the Eyes with Fat Injection

Bruises under the eyes are treated with fat injection if they occur together with a collapse in the eyelid. Fats are taken from the abdominal region and injected under the eyes by undergoing some procedures. In this way, both the collapses and the subcutaneous tissue thicken and the bruises improve.

Treatment of Bruising Under the Eyes with Light Filling

Correction of bruises under the eyes is performed with a filler called light filling under the eyes. This method of treatment is effective for 1-1.5 years. Later, the same operation must be performed again.

How to Prevent the Formation of Bruises Under the Eyes?
To prevent, delay the formation of bruises under the eyes, you can take the following measures:

  • Not to be deprived of sleep
  • Resting the eyes
  • Paying attention to eye health
  • Reducing the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes
  • Eating a balanced and regular diet
  • Not sleeping with makeup
  • Moisturizing under and around the eyes

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