To Which Areas Can Laser Hair Removal Be Applied?

The question of which areas laser hair removal can be applied to is one of the issues that people who want to have this procedure are curious about Dec. The laser acts by a mechanism called selective Photo-Thermolysis. As a result of laser shots to the skin, light can pass through the skin in milliseconds without being absorbed, but it is absorbed by the hair roots and hair shaft. High heat causes destruction in the hair root and body and thus prevents the hair from growing back.

In this article, we will talk about which areas laser hair removal can be applied and detailed information about laser hair removal.

Known Mistakes About Laser Hair Removal

Some people think of laser hair removal as radiation and are afraid that it will harm the body. However, this is a completely misunderstood situation. Laser hair removal has nothing to do with radiation. During the application of the laser to the skin, there were no findings that it caused any damage to the tissues and organs under the skin. Even very effective laser hair removal devices can only reach up to the hair root level.

How Should the Selection of the Appropriate Area for Laser Hair Removal Be?

Laser is a procedure that can be applied to all parts of the body. Laser hair removal; face, neck, neck, ears, arm, armpits, legs, belly, waist, hips, shoulders, chest, bikini line and genital area can be applied including. The length of the procedure varies according to the region in which it is performed, that is, the width of the applied region.

For example, laser hair removal can be performed on the lips in 1 minute, while 1 – 2 hours of application may be required for the back or legs.

How Many Sessions of Laser Hair Removal Should Be Performed?

The laser should act on the hair follicles exactly during the development period. A hair root that is at rest can be suppressed for a short time by the effect of the laser, but it is not completely destroyed. Since it cannot be ensured that all the roots are in the growth period in a certain period, a single treatment session is not enough.

Laser hair removal should be repeated several sessions at December intervals of 4 – 6 weeks. In order for the procedure to be permanent, at least 6 – 9 sessions of application are required.  Armpits, lower legs, genital area are usually finished in a maximum of 8 sessions.

Within 3 days after the procedure, the hairs affected by the laser begin to fall out. After the shedding is completed, there is no new hair formation in that area for several weeks. When the hairs start to come out again, it is time for a new session.

Does Laser Hair Removal Hurt?

Laser hair removal gives a feeling of pain, as well as pulling the hair root with tweezers. Because some areas are more sensitive, the sensation of pulling with these tweezers can be felt more strongly in some sensitive areas. However, since it is a system used in conjunction with a laser cooler, there is no burning-like pain due to skin heating. Since the coolant is constantly in contact with the skin before, during and after the shot, the skin is protected from the heat of the laser and the treatment area is constantly kept cold. Thanks to the coolant, the reaction during the destruction of the hair root is also less felt by the person.

For example, when laser hair removal is applied to fine hairs on the lips, a person feels almost nothing. After laser hair removal, daily life can be resumed immediately. Only after the laser, going out into the sun should be avoided. It is recommended to use sunscreen.

The Condition of the Hairs Before Laser Hair Removal

Before laser hair removal, the hairs should be waited until the hair growth in the area to be applied reaches the maximum intensity without taking them from the root. Yellowing, tweezers or waxing should not be used. In this process, the growing hairs can be cut or depilatory cream can be used.

Since depilatory creams do not affect the roots, there is no harm in using them before the laser. In order for laser hair removal to be performed, the hairs do not have to be elongated. It is enough for the hair roots to come out.  Scissors or a razor can be used for the cutting process.

The Most Effective Method of Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal applications are a procedure that should be performed by plastic surgeons specializing in their field. Each laser beam has a different wavelength. Therefore, they act on different hair roots. When the wrong laser system is applied, successful results cannot be obtained from the hair follicles.

Below are the methods of laser hair removal that are often used:

Alexandrite Laser: This laser is one of the first laser systems to be released. The wavelength is 755 mm and is effective even on dark hair follicles. Alexandrite laser gives satisfactory results, especially for people with light skin tone and dark hair follicles. 

Diode Laser: This laser system is effective on weak hairs. The wavelength is 810 mm. It is especially effective on fair skin and weak hair roots and is generally preferred to be applied on the face, décolleté and hands.

Nd: YAG Laser: The wavelength of this laser system, which is successful in all hair types, is 1064 mm. It can be successfully applied on all types of skin color and hair follicles that are not tanned.

What Should I Do After Laser Hair Removal?

Sunscreen cream should be used when going out in the sun for at least two weeks after laser hair removal.
The area where the laser is applied should not be scratched for 24 hours and should not be contacted with hot water. Perfume should not be bored.
Peeling and similar abrasive products should not be applied for a week.

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