Prominent Ear Operation

Prominent ear surgery, also called otoplasty, is an operation to correct the angle of the ear with the head. Prominent ear does not cause any health problems, but because it is located on both sides of the face and at eye level, it can turn into a nightmare for both children and adults in terms of appearance. In this sense, it is possible to say that prominent ear operation is an aesthetic procedure. Moreover, prominent ear operation is one of the commonly applied aesthetic procedures.

What are the Differences Between Prominent Ear and Normal Ear?

There is actually no difference in size between the ear called the protruding ear and the normal ear. In other words, thinking that the prominent ear is bigger is a misconception. The problem in prominent ear disease is that the cartilage development is very weak and therefore the ears cannot stand at the right angle and curl inwards. In other words, we can say that the prominent ear operation is not for the size of the ear, but for the shape of the cartilage. However, if the person has a big ear problem in addition to the prominent ear, the big ears can be reduced during the prominent ear operation.

Doctor Selection in Prominent Ear Operation

It is recommended to get an expert opinion about whether prominent ear surgery is an option that should be considered when there is a problem with the shape of the ear in the person himself or his child. Otolaryngologists and plastic surgeons are experts in the field of ear aesthetics. A specialist and experienced doctor should definitely be consulted.

The Process Before Prominent Ear Surgery

  • Before the surgery, the person's past, current and general health information should be obtained by the doctor.
  • Just before the operation, if the person has the flu, he must inform his doctor.
  • A bath should be taken the night before the operation.
  • Adult patients should stop alcohol and cigarette use 1 to 2 weeks before surgery.

Kepçe kulak ameliyatı öncesinde muayene esnasında, kulakların yapısında normal dışı bir durum tespit edilmesi halinde bunların nasıl ve ne kadarının giderilebileceği ile ilgili cerrah, gerekli bilgilendirmeyi hastalara yapacaktır. Bazen kepçe görünüm tek bir kulakta olsa dahi estetik ve simetrik bir görünüm elde etmek için operasyonun her iki kulağa da uygulanması gerekebilmektedir.

Prominent Ear Surgery in Children

Prominent ear surgery can also cause psychological problems, especially because it is a mockery for children. Therefore, it is an issue that needs attention. Such events, which will shake self-confidence in childhood, can even affect a person's adult life. Considering all these, the ideal time for prominent ear surgery in children is between the ages of 5 and 6 before they start school.

How is Prominent Ear Operation Performed?

Prominent ear surgery is an operation that takes an average of 1-2 hours under general anesthesia. During the surgery, an incision is made behind the ear that coincides with the natural ear fold. The surgeon reaches the cartilage tissue through this incision and reshapes the cartilage tissue with permanent sutures. With this reshaping, the auricle is brought closer to the head.

After the procedure is completed, the skin is closed with dissolvable sutures and a dressing is applied around the ear with antibiotic gauze pads. The operation is terminated by applying the same procedures to both ears.

As in every surgery, there are some risks of bleeding and similar risks in prominent ear surgery. However, since there is no serious vein in the ear, bleeding here is more blood accumulation. Infection is a risk that can distort the shape of the ear. However, these are very rare complications. The operation must be performed under completely sterile conditions. It is one of the most trouble-free procedures if it is performed by competent surgeons under appropriate conditions.

Things to Consider After Prominent Ear Operation

Some things to know after prominent ear surgery are as follows:

  • Dressings made after the operation are preferably opened 1-2 days later. After the necessary cleaning is done, the dressing is renewed.
  • A tingling pain may occur after the operation. It can be relieved with simple painkillers recommended by the doctor.
  • Do not lie on the ear for a week.
  • After the operation, it may be necessary to wear an ear band while lying down at night for 6-8 weeks.
  • There is no serious pain or problem after the operation. It is a simple procedure.
  • In order to achieve complete success, the healing process must be good and uneventful.

Who Prefers Prominent Ear Operation?

Kepçe kulaklar, saçların uzun olmasından ötürü kadınlar tarafından daha kolay gizlenebilmektedir. Bu nedenle kepçe kulak operasyonuna başvuran erkeklerin sayısının biraz daha fazla olduğu görülmektedir.

Kepçe kulak operasyonu sonrasında özellikle de operasyonun okul çağından önce uygulandığı takdirde çocuk daha kulaklarındaki şekil bozukluğunun farkına bile varmadan bu problem ortadan kalkmış olacaktır. Böylece çok daha mutlu ve özgüvenli bir şekilde okul hayatına adım atma şansına sahip olmuş olunur.

Çocukluğunda bu operasyonu geçirmemiş olan yetişkinler için de geç kalınmış değildir. Kepçe kulak operasyonundan sonra yetişkinleri de kendilerini çok daha beğendikleri ve öz güvenlerinin yerine geldiği bir dönem beklemektedir.

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