Prominent Ear Aesthetics - Otoplasty

Prominent ear aesthetics is a surgical operation performed within the scope of aesthetic plastic surgery and is called otoplasty in the medical literature. The appearance of our ears, which is one of the structures on our face, is the most important complement of facial aesthetics. The beauty of appearance in terms of the face is the harmonious ratio of the organs in the face. The harmony between the organs is proportionally in harmony with each other and aesthetic harmony is achieved. The aim of us plastic surgeons is to enable you to achieve beauty. Operations that are pleasing to the eye and bring joy to life are the basic concept of aesthetics.

The primary duty of us surgeons in aesthetic surgeries is correct planning. The main purpose is to be able to see and evaluate the situations that disrupt the aesthetic harmony in the human body and to harmonize them with other parts. While doing this, it is necessary not to spoil the natural appearance. Prominent ear aesthetics (Otoplasty) is generally applied to bring prominent ears closer to the head, to shape their missing folds or to reduce large ears, and as a result, a normal integrity is obtained in terms of appearance.

The question of what causes prominent ear can be explained by the fact that the most common deformity in the ear is prominent ear deformity. This deformity in the ear is seen as the anterior angulation of the ears compared to the anatomical position considered normal. Insufficient development or flatness of the fold in the auricle is usually the main reason. Ear development is completed at a rate of 80% by the age of 6 years.

Performing prominent ear aesthetics at these ages can prevent the negative effects that may occur in the mental state of the child. People with prominent ears or ear sizes are affected by the negative effects of the people around them from a very young age and they tend to hide their ears. For this reason, prominent ear aesthetic surgery is recommended to be performed in pre-school age in terms of the psychological health of the child. But it can be done at any age. While general anesthesia is required in younger patients, local anesthesia is preferred in adults.

What are the Benefits of Prominent Ear Aesthetics?

  • It enables the ears to be brought to the desired dimensions.
  • It fulfills one's self-confidence.
  • It improves the social relations of the person.

What Should Parents Pay Attention to in Prominent Ear Aesthetics?

When you detect this condition in your children, it is of great benefit to consult a doctor. If your child is at school age, investigate whether this situation affects your child. Because sometimes children do not express this and the prominent ear problem can cause them to get depressed by throwing their troubles into them.

How is Prominent Ear Aesthetic Surgery Performed?

Ear aesthetic surgery is not a risky operation. It is an extremely simple and easy surgery. It is done by entering through the ear canal from the back of the ear or from the front, related to the request of the aesthetic surgeon. In both ways, the scar of the surgery is not noticed. The angle of the auricle with the head is around 30-35 degrees. This angle is created. In prominent ear aesthetic surgery, excess cartilage is removed from the patient, the ear is reduced, the cartilages are softened and reshaped, and internal sutures are placed to protect the given shape.

The Process After Prominent Ear Aesthetics

In the postoperative period, both ears are tightly wrapped. The patient is called for control and dressing at intervals of two to three days. At the end of the seventh day, the stitches are removed. After the prominent ear aesthetic surgery, there may be swelling and bruising in the ear, this situation returns to normal within 1-2 weeks. You can return to work or take a flight 3 days after the operation.

It is recommended to wear a tennis player's headband or a women's headband over the ears for a few days after the bandage is opened. The headband should not be too tight or loose. Ear aesthetic surgeries are one of our most pleasing surgeries because they do not leave any scars and are performed under local anesthesia and heal in a short time.

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