Izmir Liposuction

Izmir liposuction is used as a fat removal method in aesthetic surgery. One of the problems that women especially complain about the most is the regional lubrication that occurs in their bodies.

These fat deposits that occur in certain parts of our body do not go away from the body, even if diet or exercise is performed. This will lead to deterioration of people's body proportions. This is a situation that bothers women quite a lot, especially in the summer. The only solution that eliminates this problem is the liposuction method.

With the liposuction method, fat tissues accumulated from areas such as hips, abdomen, face and thighs are removed and body contours are made to look better. But the liposuction fat removal method is not a method used for weight loss. It is a method applied to completely get rid of stubborn oils accumulated under the skin and to have a more uniform physique.

Who Can Have Liposuction?

As we mentioned above, the liposuction fat removal method is never applied to get rid of excess weight. For this reason, it is an application made to people who are not overweight but who are uncomfortable with their body shape due to the lubrication of certain parts of their body. In addition, anyone who has no health problems other than during pregnancy or breastfeeding will be able to October this application easily.

Since people with heart, sugar and lung diseases will pose a risk to have this application, they should provide detailed information to the doctor about their ailments before the operation. In addition to this; in the liposuction application performed on elderly people, an extra skin stretching operation will also be needed, as the skin will lose its elasticity due to age.

How is Liposuction Performed?

Methods used in liposuction application;

  • Wet Tech - Wet Tech
  • Superwet Teknik- Multi-Age Teknik
  • Dry Technique
  • Tumescent Technique

The methods applied during liposuction surgery are listed above. However, Superwet and Tumescent methods are preferred most in liposuction surgeries. Thanks to these techniques, medication and fluid are supplemented to the body, ensuring that there is no bleeding or pain during surgery.

Liposuction surgery is most often performed under general anesthesia. The most important factor in determining anesthesia is the ratio of the amount of fat to be removed. If a small amount of fat is to be removed, the procedure can be performed with local anesthesia. But if the amount of fat to be removed is too much, general anesthesia will be required. Patients who will have local anesthesia are given sedative medication before surgery to be more comfortable during the procedure. During the procedure, incisions of 1-2 mm are made in the areas of the body that will be thinned and the fats here are melted. Then the melted oils are vacuumed with the help of a thin cannula or injector.

The incisions made on the body are mostly followed by being thrown into the underwear area or the folds of the body. If a laser is used in the liposuction process, the accumulated fats in the body are removed by melting with a laser.

How Is the Recovery Process After Liposuction?

Patients who undergo liposuction under local anesthesia can easily stand up after surgery and can be discharged after a short rest. However, patients undergoing general anesthesia will need to stay in the hospital for 1 night depending on their condition. Thanks to the painkillers given after surgery, patients will not feel pain. Again, after the liposuction procedure, patients are dressed in a corset and this corset must be used for 1 month.

The formation of bruises and swelling in the areas where liposuction is performed is normal. In addition, mild pain will also occur after a few days. But 1 week after the liposuction procedure, all these problems will gradually begin to disappear. With the liposuction procedure, it is possible to reach the targeted body shape after about 1 month. During this time, it is absolutely not understood that patients have undergone surgery. The stiffness felt under the skin will begin to improve 3 months after the liposuction procedure. The clear body shapes of the patients will become apparent after 6 months. If patients have a skin problem with cellulite, that is, the appearance of an orange peel, before the liposuction procedure, it will also be possible to reduce it with this procedure.

What Are the Risks of Liposuction?

As with any surgery, there are expected and possible risk factors, although rarely.

The risks that may occur in the liposuction procedure are listed as follows;

  • Infection: This is a very rare problem in the liposuction procedure. The occurrence of infection is prevented with antibiotics given to the patient after the procedure. Decontamination of the procedure in a full-fledged and hygienic hospital environment is also among the factors that eliminate this risk.
  • Bleeding: The risk of bleeding has decreased significantly due to the use of Tumescent technique and thin cannula used in liposuction procedure.
  • Allergic Reaction: This condition, which is rare in some people, can develop mainly due to the use of patch suture material and the medications given to the patient during the procedure. In such cases, the patient is prescribed October additional treatment.
  • Seroma: This condition is indicated as fluid accumulation in the treated areas. In case of fluid accumulation, intervention may be required to drain the fluid.
  • Numbness in the area: It is quite normal to have a loss of sensation in the area where the oil is removed after the procedure. However, it is quite rare for this loss of sensation to continue in a permanent or decreasing way.
  • Intense swelling and bruising in the region: Bruising and swelling formation is expected after the liposuction procedure. But in extreme cases, the patient did not use his corset or medicines regularly.

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