Izmir Lip Filler

Full lips are the key to looking young and beautiful. For this reason, lip filler has been among the first procedures that we have encountered the most with its applications for many years Dec. The suitability of the person for lip filling and the most ideal method for the person will be determined during the consultation with the doctor. In this interview, considering the anatomical structure of the lips and the general appearance of the face, a decision is made on a suitable method for the person.

There are injection and surgical methods for thickening the lips. Injection methods, on the other hand, can be divided into collagen and fat injection in itself. However, as we mentioned at the beginning, not every method in question may be suitable for everyone. During the first examination, the doctor reveals how to follow the path. For example, a person who wants to have a collagen injection should not have an allergic body and should not be pregnant.

Types of Lip Filler Applications

There are two types of methods applied to thicken (plump) lips:

  • Injection (Collagen, fat injection...)
  • Lip thickening by surgical methods (alloderm, removal of one's own tissue)
  • Injection
  • The simplest method used for lip thickening is injection. During the procedure, ready-made solutions are injected into the lip. The effects are temporary. Their duration of action differs in that they are allergic.

After the injection, the lips may become slightly sensitive. 24 hours is enough for the lips to fully recover and take their shape. After a few months, the effect and beauty of plump lips continues.

If applied correctly, the difference between the injected lip and the real lips is not felt. Decongestant.

Filler injection is a very short-lasting procedure. The entire application takes 15 – 20 minutes in total. Ice applications after the procedure (lasting 10 – 15 minutes) are also included in this period.

It is also important to what extent the patient's expectations are in lip injection. The person will, of course, take photos that will give inspiration and ideas, etc. he can bring it, but his expectations should not be exactly the same as those in that photo. After all, it should be remembered that everyone's lip type, structure is different.


Collagen injection is the easiest method to apply. It can be easily injected under the skin immediately. It is a painless and practical application that does not require local anesthesia. It is possible to observe the results immediately. The person who has collagen applied can continue his daily life from where he left off on the same day.

Collagen injection does not provide a permanent solution, the effects are temporary. Collagen is absorbed by the body within 3 – 5 months after injection. This absorption time varies from person to person.


Hylaform is a fluid and elastic solution. Its injection and effectiveness are the same as in collagen. It does not require testing before use. The effect of Hylaform injection is also temporary, as is the case with collagen.

Hyaluronic Acid

Its content includes hyaluronic acid. It is obtained by the technology used in the production of insulin and antibiotics. It has been developed to provide long-term effectiveness on the skin. It is one of the preferred effective methods of lip thickening. The duration of activity is as long as collagen and hylaform. It does not require testing before use. 

Fat Injection

In the fat injection process, fats taken from the hip and abdominal region are generally used. The procedure takes place under local anesthesia and the fat cells taken are injected under the skin. The survival rate of fat cells is high in sedentary areas. Because the lip area is mobile, 20-50% of the fat cells can only live. For this reason, it is the case that the person may need re-injection.

Since the person's own fat cells are used, there is no risk of allergic reactions. It is a condition in which swelling, bruising and pain are expected to occur after the injection. It is a temporary reaction. With fat injection, a person can achieve fuller lips, as well as pronounced cheekbones and a smooth forehead. 

Lip Thickening by Surgical Methods

Lip aesthetics is resorted to for reasons such as the ambiguity of the lines on the lips, thin lips, spots on the lips, deformities due to scars on the lips, and all these complaints can be easily eliminated. The golden rule in lip aesthetics is to thicken the lips while preserving their naturalness. This is a standard that applies to all lip plumping procedures, both surgical and non-surgical.

In lip aesthetics performed by surgical methods, a piece of tissue taken from another part of the body is placed through the lip by incision. It is performed under local anesthesia. Lip thickening procedures performed by surgical methods are more permanent than those performed with fillers. However, it is not preferred too much because of the difficulty of the operation. Non-surgical filling methods are more preferred.

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