Izmir Laser Hair Removal

Unwanted hair is an issue that women have been concerned about especially since very old years. For this reason, it has been tried to get rid of unwanted hair with different methods in each period. Nowadays, with the advancement of technology and the use of laser beams in the field of health and beauty, unwanted hair is also said goodbye with laser technology. 

What is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is the main way to get rid of unwanted hair permanently and healthily with laser energy. Laser technology, which is the propagation of light in a single wavelength; when applied to the region with millisecond shots, it reaches the hair follicle and creates heat at this point and destroys the hair follicle.

It is permanently removed from unwanted hair after laser hair removal application, the number of sessions of which differ depending on the applied area. 

Laser Hair Removal Methods

Today, laser hair removal methods are applied in three different ways. These can be listed as follows; 

  • Alexandrite Laser Hair Removal: The Alexandrite laser hair removal method, the application of which is quite practical compared to other methods, is applied in people with a light skin tone. The hairs on the skin can also be removed immediately after the application. It is not recommended to apply this technique on dark skin structures, as there may be a number of side effects. 
  • Nd: Fat Laser Hair Removal: This type of application is a suitable method for dark skin types. Nowadays, it is less preferred than other technologies. 
  • Diode Laser Hair Removal: It is the most preferred method of hair removal today. The wavelength is much longer than other methods and thus successful results are achieved even on very dark colored skin. 

Before Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a method that should be applied by doctors specializing in the field of application. Otherwise, burns on the skin, the formation of malignant cells or allergic reactions may occur. Before laser hair removal, the skin structure of the person who will perform the application and the area where the application will be performed are examined in detail. The choice of device is of great importance in this application. At the same time, a qualified assessment of skin color and hair color is also of great importance in terms of ensuring success after application. 

Before laser hair removal, the hairs should not be removed from the root for at least 1 month. In order for the laser application to have an effect, it should be expected to extend to the root of the hair. At the same time, it is recommended not to tan during this period and not to enter the solarium. Before laser hair removal application, the doctor should be informed about the general health history, if there is any chronic disease or a drug that is constantly used, they should be within the knowledge of the doctor. 

After Laser Hair Removal

After the laser hair removal application, an ice compress should be applied to the area where the application is made Decently for 20 minutes at the end of each session and the skin should be cooled with air. At the same time, moisturizing the applied area also helps the skin recover quickly. Contact with hot water should be avoided for the first 24 hours after hair removal and heavy exercises should not be performed. 

When laser hair removal application is applied to areas that will be directly exposed to the sun's rays, sunscreen cream should definitely be used.

To Which Areas Is Epilation Applied?

Laser hair removal application is usually applied to the bikini area, leg and armpit areas. However, it can be applied to any area where the skin structure is suitable. It can also be safely applied to the arms, belly, nipple, upper hand, upper foot, chin, upper lip and neck areas.

For Whom Is Hair Removal Suitable?

Laser hair removal can be applied to anyone over the age of 12. In terms of hair follicles, it is much easier for women to apply laser hair removal, which is often preferred by men today.

How is Laser Hair Removal Applied?

The hair roots in the area where laser hair removal will be performed should be elongated. The hairs are shortened with a razor before the application. After the laser device and wavelength are adjusted according to the skin structure and the area to be applied, the scanning process is performed. The duration of this procedure varies according to the hair root and skin structure. Sessions are carried out according to the planning made before laser hair removal application.

The points to be considered before and after laser hair removal application should definitely be under expert control. 

Laser Hair Removal Prices

Laser hair removal prices differ depending on the duration of the session, the number of sessions, as well as the skin color and the type of hair removal to be applied. For detailed information; You can call the phone number 0 232 464 23 30.

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