
Gynecomastia is the name given to excessive breast development seen in men. It is also known that the problem of gaining weight and losing fat in men, as well as the imbalance of the hormones estrogen and testosterone, is caused by.

Some men have growth in only one breast, while others have growth in two breasts. The size of the two breasts can be very different. This condition, which does not constitute a serious case, can sometimes lead to pain. Thus, it causes the person's quality of life to decrease. Gynecomastia can occur in men at any age.

What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is defined as benign excessive breast development experienced by men due to weight gain and loss and excessive adiposity. Although it usually occurs in infancy or old age, it is most common in boys who are in adolescence. The basis of its occurrence is the irregularity of the hormones estrogen and testosterone. It can affect only one breast, as well as cases where it affects both breasts are observed. Moreover, it leads to the fact that both breasts are of different sizes. Although it is not considered a serious case, it is observed that it occurs with pain in some men. In addition, it is known that it also causes a person to feel psychologically uncomfortable. In some patients, it may show spontaneous improvement. However, for some patients, medication or surgery may be required.

What Causes Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia, in general, occurs due to imbalances in hormones, excessive weight gain and fat gain. Experiencing a decrease in testosterone levels and the prominence of the hormone estrogen can also cause this condition to occur. While hormone disorder may occur naturally due to the structure of the person, it can also be seen that it is due to the effect of the drugs used. In addition to these, drug and alcohol use are also among the factors that can lead to hormone imbalance. Dec Hormone imbalance, which can occur for various reasons, can also cause the problem of gynecomastia. In some men, gynecomastia may pass by itself, while in some men, treatment may be required. In addition, the use of antidepressants is one of the substances that cause this problem. By looking at the patient's conditions and history, the reasons that may lead to this are revealed, and the stages of treatment that should be applied are also determined.

Some medications used also cause gynecomastia. These drugs include:

  • Some heart medications
  • Anabolic steroids and androgens used by athletes
  • Anti-androgens used to prevent prostate enlargement
  • Medicines used in case of fungal infection
  • Some antibiotic drugs such as ethionamide and isoniazid
  • Hormone drugs used to treat infertility
  • Drugs used to treat AIDS
  • Smoking
  • Anxiety medications such as diazepam
  • Reflux and ulcer drugs
  • Estrogens

How to Prevent Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia can occur for many different reasons. This problem, caused by an imbalance of hormones, occurs in some patients due to the use of alcohol and drugs. However, it is seen that some medications can also lead to gynecomastia. Therefore, people who use alcohol should avoid or reduce the use of alcohol. It is recommended that the patient should definitely talk to his doctor about the medications used.

What Are the Symptoms of Gynecomastia?

One of the prominent problems among the symptoms of gynecomastia is the observation of Decubitus in the breasts. In addition, pain and excessive sensitivity may be observed in the breast of the sick person. In addition, it is also observed that discharge comes from the nipple in some periods. These symptoms are among the most common symptoms of gynecomastia. Decongestant gynecomastia. Finally, this swelling, pain and tenderness may be in only one breast in some men, while in some men it may be in both breasts.

Briefly, the symptoms of gynecomastia are as follows:

  • Tenderness in the breasts
  • Pain and soreness in the breasts
  • Discharge from the nipples
  • The difference in size between the two breasts Dec
  • Swelling of the armpit lymph nodes

Types of Gynecomastia

There are 3 types of types of gynecomastia. These:

Glandular type gynecomastia: There are hardened, non-producing mammary glands in a structure similar to the female breast.
Fatty type gynecomastia: Adipose tissue is heavy. There is no excess of mammary gland tissue. Excessive weight gain and loss is the cause of fatty type gynecomastia.
Mixed type gynecomastia: It is a type of gynecomastia in which glandular and adipose tissue excess is seen at the same time.

How is Gynecomastia Diagnosed?

When diagnosing gynecomastia, a physical examination is performed first. Then, the health problems experienced in the patient's history are examined. By looking at the health problems that the patient has experienced in his/her past and the health history of his/her family, it is revealed where the problem originates from.

After a physical examination, some tests are performed and ultrasound is taken. A suitable treatment method is determined according to the test and ultrasound results and acted accordingly. If gynecomastia does not improve spontaneously, it causes a decrease in the patient's quality of life with both the image and pain. Because of this, the patient is intervened with drug therapy or surgical operation. In this way, the patient's gynecomastia problem is ended and the quality of life is improved.

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