Filling Applications with Hyaluronic Acid

Over the years, our body begins to lose its former youthful and vibrant appearance. The most obvious features of aging are the whitening of the hair, wrinkles and sagging that occur on the skin. While some accept the signs of old age that occur, others are quite uncomfortable with this situation. Aesthetic surgery is also the only solution that comes to the rescue of people who are uncomfortable with their appearance. With the developing technology, quite great developments have been achieved in the field of aesthetic surgery. One of the most frequently applied methods in aesthetic surgery is filling applications.

Fast and successful results are obtained with the filling method applied for wrinkles that occur on our face. The reason why the filler application is effective is the use of Hyaluronic acid as a filler. As age progresses, the elastic tissue of the skin, the amount of collagen and hyaluronic acid decreases. As a result, wrinkles and collapses begin to occur on our skin. That is why Hyaluronic acid is injected into the problem areas with the help of small needles. Hyaluronic acid has a gel consistency and fills the injected area, increasing its water retention capacity.

What Are the Benefits of Hyaluronic Acid?

The most basic reason why hyaluronic acid is the most used substance in filling applications is that this substance is naturally present in the body. Therefore, there is no allergic reaction in any way in people who apply fillers with hyaluronic acid. Apart from this, the benefits of Hyaluronic acid are listed as follows;

  • Maintains skin elasticity and repairs tissues. Therefore, skin aging is also prevented.
  • Provides prevention of acne scars.
  • Ensures that the skin is smooth.
  • Prevents skin irritation and inflammation.
  • Hyaluronic acid, which is present in sufficient quantities in the skin, allows cell renewal.
  • Promotes the formation of collagen fibers. In this way, the skin also retains its elasticity.

Where are Filling Applications Performed?

Lip Filler: Recently, the method often preferred by women is lip filler. Fuller and more defined lips will make women look more attractive and sexy. That is why ladies with thin lips have fuller lips with Hyaluronic acid injection. The amount of Hyaluronic acid injection to be performed before the procedure is determined by the doctor by taking your facial structure into consideration. During the procedure, a numbing cream is applied to the lips and the lip filler process is completed in about half an hour.

Cheek Filler: Many people complain of weak and bony facial features. In this case, it is aimed that people have a more oval face line by filling in their cheeks with hyaluronic acid. But in the cheek filling process, apart from hyaluronic acid, fat tissue injection obtained from people's own bodies is more preferred.

Detention Filler: The collapses that occur in the custody and the dark appearance are made more vivid and proportional to the cheekbones with Hyaluronic acid injection. Another name for the detention filler is the light filler. Before the light filling procedure, the drug cream is applied to the detainees and the application is completed within half an hour. The filling process for the detainees is usually divided into several sessions. This is due to the fact that the skin under the eyes is thin.

Nasolabial Filling: The grooves formed in the part of the nose that continues from both sides of the nose to the mouth, which are found in many people, are quite uncomfortable for people. These grooves can only be removed with Hyaluronic acid filling. The procedure is completed by filling the area to be filled with drug cream after applying, depending on the depth of the grooves. The filling process is performed in about half an hour.

Nose Filling: This procedure is completed as a non-surgical rhinoplasty among the people Dec. It is aimed to achieve a more beautiful appearance by filling the nose with situations such as small arches or collapses on the back of the nose, low tip of the nose, without curvature or serious problems in the form of a nose. During the procedure, local anesthesia or only narcotic cream can be used according to the patient's preference. The nose filling is completed within 45 minutes.

Jaw Filling: The reasons why jaw filling is preferred are other than wrinkles; the jaw looks oval, is prominent or is extended outward. Therefore, Hyaluronic acid is injected into the area in accordance with the appearance desired by the patient. The procedure is completed in about half an hour after applying the drug cream.

Cheekbone Filler: Due to aging, there is a decrease in the dislocation of the cheekbones over time. Due to this, the face loses its “V” shape and causes us to have a more aged appearance. That is why the cheekbones filled with hyaluronic acid are made more prominent. Drug cream is applied to the area and the filling process is completed in about half an hour.

Forehead Filler: Forehead lines are the lines that appear when we lift our eyebrows up. But over the years, these lines begin to form not only when we lift our eyebrows up, but also in the normal appearance of the face. With hyaluronic acid, these lines formed on the forehead are filled. In this way, even if we do not make facial expressions, lines do not form on the forehead and a younger appearance is obtained in this way. The procedure is completed within 30 minutes, using a numbing cream.

How Long Does the Permanence of Filling Applications Last?

The fullness in the areas filled with hyaluronic acid continues for 12 to 18 months. Of course, the age of the person is a factor in the permanence of the filling, the dosage applied and the number of times it is performed.

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