Fat Removal Surgery with Liposuction

Liposuction liposuction surgery is a suitable surgery for people who have problems with regional lubrication. Our body, which is our genetic heritage, can be different than we would like. There are hardly any people who are not disturbed by the aesthetic appearance of their body. In addition to women who complain about excess fat in their abdomen and hips, wide hips and thick knees, the number of men whose fat in the waist area has taken the form of a lifebuoy is considered quite high.

Even if you have been dieting and doing sports for years, you may not be able to get rid of these unwanted fat excesses. Moreover, even if you are not overweight, a disproportionate appearance may occur in your body lines. In case of unsuccessful results from diet and sports, people resort to liposuction and fat removal surgery.

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction briefly; It can be defined as the process of removing excess fat from areas such as the hip, abdomen, arm, hip and neck of the person. Regular diet and exercise may not work for some people, and as a result, unwanted fat cannot be eliminated. Therefore, people resort to liposuction to get rid of unwanted fat for sure. As in every operation, liposuction surgery should be performed by doctors who are experts in their field.

Is Liposuction a Remedy?

For most people, the first condition of looking flashy, beautiful and aesthetic is to look thin. It is true; Losing a little bit of weight from the legs, a little bit of the abdomen and a lot of the hips seems to us as the first step towards having a perfect body. This is an accurate determination; Is the solution correct? When you lose the desired amount of weight, will you be able to get rid of the excess fat on your body lines? Or to what extent will you be able to survive? "I'm exercising, I'm on a diet, it doesn't work. There is nothing I haven't tried or done. With all this effort, I reached the weight I wanted, but I couldn't get rid of these fats. The amount of money I consumed is not clear." There are so many people who complain. What about the remedy to get rid of excess fat?

In such cases, the procedure to be applied as a remedy to a person who is in search of an aesthetic solution to his problems is liposuction. Liposuction is the most ideal and only method to deal with locally collected excess fat, to give your body a slimmer appearance, to shape body lines, and to give a smooth and proportional shape.

Fat removal surgery with liposuction, which has become the most common solution today; It is known as a very effective technique that gives very satisfactory results when the right decision is made in the right people. Liposuction and fat removal surgeries, which had some inconveniences and had a difficult recovery period in the first years of its implementation, are among the most frequently performed surgeries nowadays, with the risks being greatly reduced thanks to advancing technology. Liposuction liposuction is like a sculptor shaving the bumps that are scratching the eye with a chisel and hammer.

Because of this similarity, some surgeons also call liposuction fat removal surgery, liposculpture or liposculpturing. Excess fat in some parts of the body, such as the hips, hips, and abdomen, does not disappear no matter how much diet and exercise is done, and remains in the form of regional protrusions, leading to deformity in body lines. In particular, it is almost impossible to recover these areas without surgical intervention. These areas benefit greatly from liposuction and a smooth-looking body is obtained. Liposuction liposuction provides psychological satisfaction by increasing self-confidence, while getting rid of stubborn excess fat that causes unsightly body lines.

Fat Removal Surgery with Izmir Liposuction

After dozens of diets and regular sports, the liposuction method is applied as a result of not removing excess fat. It should be noted that the liposuction method is not an operation to completely weaken the body. You can call +90 232 464 23 30 for detailed information about liposuction and fat removal surgery in Izmir and for an appointment.


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