Eyelid Aesthetics - Blepharoplasty

Eyelid aesthetics is an operation in which the sagging skin and subcutaneous adipose tissue around the eyes, which form bags, are both removed and repaired, giving a healthier and more aesthetic appearance. Another name for eyelid aesthetics is blepharoplasty. Sagging and drooping upper eyelids and swollen under-eye bags give people an unaesthetic facial expression. This situation affects the person psychologically badly.

In some people, drooping eyelids or prominent under-eye bags are structural and appear from a young age. In most people, it is a process that occurs with advancing age. In young people, the eyelid skin is short and tight. With advancing age, the upper eyelid skin stretches and forms a second layer over time. In some cases, this skin fold extends to the eyelashes and even prevents vision. The lower eyelid skin also loosens and sags, wrinkles form and skin bags form.

In addition to the loosening of the skin, the fat pads around the eyeball also herniate over time. This is because the tissue holding these fat pads in place weakens with age or the amount of this fat tissue increases.

Eyelid aesthetics is usually performed around the age of 30-40, and if the other parts of the face are in good condition at this age, its application alone will rejuvenate the face significantly. In order to rejuvenate the entire face at older ages, blepharoplasty (eyelid aesthetics) can be performed together with surgeries such as face lift, eyebrow lift and forehead lift. Since the eye and its surroundings have a very sensitive structure, eyelid aesthetics must be performed by a specialist doctor.

Eyelid aesthetic surgery is usually performed under local anesthesia and sedation. In some special cases, general anesthesia is used.

How is Eyelid Aesthetics (Blepharoplasty) Performed?

  • Local anesthesia is applied to both eyelids.
  • The excess skin on the upper eyelid is cut off after the operation without leaving any scars.
  • If there is excess muscle tissue, the excess part is removed.
  • Excess sagging fat pads under the muscle and connective tissue are cut and removed.
  • Connective tissue and muscle are strengthened.
  • The entire scar is sewn in such a way that it is hidden in the upper eyelid fold.
  • The lower eyelid skin is opened by cutting just below the eyelash roots so that the scar cannot be seen at all.
  • If there is excess or weakness in the muscle tissue, the excess part is removed.
  • Excess sagging fat pads under the muscle and connective tissue are removed.
  • Connective tissue and muscle are strengthened and repaired.
  • Excess skin is cut and removed.
  • The skin of the lower eyelid is cut and removed without leaving a trace.

Process After Eyelid Aesthetics

He is discharged the same day after eyelid surgery. After the blepharoplasty operation, very thin tapes are adhered to the stitched areas. These tapes do not prevent the eyes from opening. 1-2 months after the operation, the suture marks become invisible. Eyelid aesthetics takes an average of 1.5 hours. Since eyelid surgery is performed by cutting the lower eyelid just below the eyelashes, there is no scar. Stitches are removed in 4-5 days depending on the healing status. There may be swelling and bruising for a while after eyelid surgery. But these are not permanent, swelling and bruising will pass in a short time.

Lower Eyelid Aesthetics

Lower eyelid surgery is usually performed due to sagging of the lower eyelid, bags, dark circles, and tired eye appearance. Before lower eyelid aesthetics, a detailed evaluation is made to find out the cause of sagging. After the evaluation, the appropriate surgical technique is planned for the patient.

The removal of fat bags that disrupt the aesthetics of the lower eyelid is performed with an incision made from the inside of the eyelid. In some patients, good results are obtained with an incision made just below the eyelash line. But this is a process that must be done very carefully.

Upper Eyelid Aesthetics

In upper eyelid aesthetics, the surgical technique includes many fine details. The patient's problem should be thoroughly evaluated. Before the patient enters the operation, it should be evaluated in detail which tissue will be removed, in what amount, whether there is fat hernia and collapse.

After the patient's surgical plan is removed, the level of the hidden incision and fold is carefully marked and the amount of excess skin is measured. Local anesthesia is applied in upper eyelid aesthetics. In some necessary cases, eyebrow sagging and lacrimal gland sagging problems can also be corrected simultaneously with upper eyelid aesthetics.

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