Breast Enlargement

Breast augmentation is an aesthetic operation preferred by women who care about their posture and appearance. Breast augmentation is the most preferred plastic surgery procedure performed for many reasons. Depending on the patient's preference and the doctor's recommendations, large, full, firm breasts are obtained after breast augmentation surgery.

What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure to increase breast size, correct its shape or tighten it. Breast augmentation is a popular aesthetic procedure among women. For some women, it can help them feel more confident. However, breast augmentation may not be suitable for everyone and it is recommended to consult a doctor beforehand.

Why is Breast Enlargement Done?

Breast augmentation may be performed for personal reasons and may be an option to increase satisfaction with one's physical appearance. Some women cannot develop sufficient breast tissue due to genetic or hormonal reasons and therefore may opt for breast augmentation. It may cause a decrease in breast volume after pregnancy or excessive weight loss. Asymmetry in breast size or shape can make some women feel uncomfortable. These situations are among the reasons for breast enlargement.

How is Breast Enlargement Done?

Breast augmentation is performed by placing silicone prostheses on the breast. The choice of silicone prosthesis varies depending on the patient's weight and body structure. Breast prostheses are placed through incisions that can be made from the patient's armpit, nipple, and under the breast.

Breast enlargement can also be performed with a person's own fat tissue. The use of silicone prosthesis is more preferred because it is an easier and faster method to obtain results.



What are the Breast Enlargement Methods?

Breast enlargement methods are performed in two ways: surgical and non-surgical. Apart from surgery, breast enlargement can be performed by filling. This method is neither permanent nor very reliable. It is not recommended to inject any other substance into the breast.

Silicone prostheses are used in breast augmentation surgery. These prostheses are in gel structure. There are two types of prostheses: round-shaped and dispersed-shaped prostheses. It is selected in accordance with the person's body structure and the patient's wishes.



Izmir breast augmentation is a frequently requested aesthetic operation because beauty and aesthetics are very important for women. We can say that the increasing number of plastic surgeries for the sake of beautification, especially in recent years, is the biggest proof of how much importance women attach to beauty and looking beautiful.

The areas that make women feel more beautiful, more self-confident and sexy are, of course, their breasts. However, women with small breasts feel very uncomfortable due to this situation. The causes of small breasts may be structural, weight gain or loss, and postpartum deformation.

The method that allows women to have the breasts they desire is Breast Enlargement Operation. Women can have firmer breasts, the size they dream of, with breast augmentation surgery.

Let's take a look at our article together, where you will find answers to your questions about Izmir breast augmentation surgery and get all detailed information.

What is Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Breast Augmentation Surgery is the surgical procedure in which a silicone prosthesis is placed on the breasts of women with small breasts. The size of the prosthesis to be placed on the chest during breast augmentation surgery is determined by taking into account important criteria such as the patient's height, structure, rib cage and shoulder width. It is very important for plastic surgeons to perform a successful surgery within the framework of medical rules, taking into account the patient's desired breast size.



How is Breast Enlargement Surgery Performed?
Breast augmentation surgeries must be performed in a fully equipped hospital environment. As with all aesthetic operations, breast enlargement operations are performed under general anesthesia. The operation takes approximately 2-3 hours in total. This period may vary depending on the technique used during breast surgery, the nature of the patient and the professionalism of the surgeon. To place silicone prostheses, the operation is performed by choosing one of the areas such as the armpit, under the breast or around the nipple.

Who Can Have Breast Augmentation?

The lower age limit for undergoing breast augmentation surgery has been determined as 18. The main reason for this is that people can fully develop and take the final shape of the breast. Women over the age of 18 and 50 can easily have breast augmentation surgery as long as there is no negative health condition. However, unfortunately, it is not possible for women who are breastfeeding or pregnant to have this operation.

For this, the breastfeeding process must be completed and approximately 9 months must have passed. The reason for this is to wait for the breasts to take their final shape after breastfeeding.

What Should Be Done Before Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Before breast enlargement, of course, some examinations and tests are performed as a preliminary preparation for the surgery. The surgeon evaluates in detail whether there is any condition that may prevent the surgery through breast examination, blood tests, breast ultrasound and mammography requested from women over the age of 40. If the tests are approved by the anesthesiologist, there will be no obstacle to breast surgery.

What Should Be Considered After Breast Augmentation?

After breast augmentation surgery, the patient must stay in the hospital for 1 night and be monitored for possible complications. However, patients can easily stand up and walk 1-2 hours after the operation. One day later, they are discharged and sent home. Pain that occurs after breast augmentation is neutralized with medications. It is normal for the breasts to appear tight and larger than they are after breast augmentation surgery. This will become softer and the size it should be within a few days. It is recommended that patients take a shower 3-5 days after the operation.

In order to remove the incision scars caused by breast aesthetics, the ointments and tapes given by the doctor must be used regularly. It takes 1 year for the incision scars to turn skin color and become indistinct. For the first 3 months, non-wired bras, i.e. sports bras, should be used.

Apart from this, people who have undergone breast enlargement surgery can breastfeed easily. The silicone prostheses installed do not have an expiration date. However, if there is to be a change in the size of the prostheses later, the prostheses installed must be new.



What are the methods used in breast enlargement?
There are two methods used to enlarge the breast in breast augmentation surgery. Silicone Prosthesis and Fat Injection methods are methods used in breast enlargement. Let's briefly talk about these two methods:

Silicone Prosthesis: The most common method for breast enlargement surgery is the Silicone Prosthesis method. Generally, many patients are concerned about whether silicone prostheses are healthy or not. However, since the silicones used during the operation are used in many products in daily life, experts state that the silicone prostheses used during the operation do not harm the patient's health in any way and that the risk of a possible allergy is very rare.
Fat Injection: Another method used in breast enlargement surgeries is fat injection. Fat injection method is a preferred method for people who have asymmetry and deformity between their breasts to have fuller and firmer breasts. For this method, fat is removed from the patient's areas with sufficient fat tissue by liposuction method and placed on the patient's breasts after some special procedures.
What are the Risks of Breast Augmentation Surgery?
As with every surgery, breast augmentation has certain risks. These risks are as follows:

Scar tissue distorting the shape of the breast implant
chest pain
Numbness in the nipple
implant leakage

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