Arm Stretching

In many people, it may be seen that the skin sags in the section between the elbow and the armpit. Decapitation. Sagging in this part of the arm usually occurs in old age or people who have lost too much weight. The appearance of sagging under the arm may not be aesthetically pleasing to the person. Since it is almost impossible to gather with sports, the arm stretching method is preferred. 

What is Arm Stretching Aesthetics (Brachioplasty)?

Arm stretching aesthetics, also called brachioplasty, is a procedure performed to eliminate sagging skin in the lower arm area, which occurs due to age and weight loss. The sagging of the skin between the armpits and the elbow is Decoded by the aesthetic procedure. Brachioplasty is performed because this condition, which creates a bat wing image with the arms open, disturbs the person psychologically. In addition to brachioplasty, liposuction can also be performed if the surgeon deems October appropriate. If there is only an excess of fat in the person, if there is no sagging of the skin, it is enough to do only liposuction.

Why is Arm Lift Aesthetics Performed?

Deformations can occur in many areas of each person over time. Processes such as age progression, weight gain and loss, pregnancy and child bearing are effective in the emergence of disruptions in the body. Such disruptions can cause psychological problems in a person. Lack of self-confidence and unhappiness can be brought. If this is the case, the existing deformations can be solved with aesthetic procedures in people who do not have a health risk. Arm stretching aesthetics is one of these procedures. Because the skin under the arm sags, people who think that they look aesthetically bad when they lift their arms or wear sleeveless clothes and feel unhappy prefer this procedure. Arm stretching aesthetics helps a person to feel healthier and happier. 

Why Does the Arm Skin Sag?

The most easily sagging and deformed area on the human body is the arm skin. The skin that surrounds the November muscle tissue relaxes over time and moves away from the tissue. Thus, the image that we call sagging appears. Generally, the causes of sagging arm skin may be advancing age, weight gain and loss, or excessive weight loss. At the same time, sagging in this area is observed quite often in people with a genetic predisposition.

Before Arm Lift Surgery

Before the operation, the arms are opened to both sides and the plans are made. The places where the incision will be opened are drawn so as not to disrupt the general structure of the arm. Then the method is determined according to the reason for the sagging of the fatty tissue under the skin. If it is a sagging caused by weight gain and loss, the skin may be thick. In this case, it is decided to apply liposuction first. After that, the surgical procedure is performed, which is a skin Decontamination.

Before surgery;

  • Smoking and alcohol use should be stopped at least a week before
  • The use of blood thinners should be stopped
  • In case of developing any infection, the doctor should be contacted.
  • Before the arm lift surgery, it is important to decide how the procedure will take place correctly and to pay attention to these points in order for the operation to be successful.

How is Arm Lift Surgery Performed?

Arm stretching surgery, which is performed using special microsurgical devices, is performed by making small incisions into the skin. Excess skin is removed through incisions through the elbow or under the armpit. If excess fat is found under the skin, liposuction is performed or removed directly from the incisions during surgery. After the procedure is completed, aesthetic stitches are made in the places where the incision is opened.

How Long Does the Arm Lift Surgery Take?

The duration of the operation usually varies depending on the region and the person to whom the procedure is performed. Arm lift surgery performed with general or local anesthesia takes 1-2 hours on average. He can be discharged on the day of surgery. Depending on the preference, you can also stay under supervision in the hospital for 1 day. 5-6 Days after the operation, the old routine can be returned. After about a few months, sports and exercise can be done.

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